Above are diagrams of the palm and dorsal views of your hands.
The colours represent reflex areas of the hands which you can work daily for 5 to 10 minutes per day to help you reduce your stress and boost your immune systems. These reflex areas can also help you reduce any symptoms you may experience relating to a cold or stress. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THIS INFORMATION DOES NOT REPLACE THE ADVICE OF YOUR PHYSICIAN - this is a self care suggestion only. The blue area represents the lungs and is located on the ball of the foot as well as on the top and palm of the hand just below the fingers. You can thumb walk all over this area to help relieve chest congestion. The Orange dots represent the lymphatic drain points at the webs of the fingers or toes and wrist or ankle and at the base of the thumb or great toe. You can press on these points several times throughout the day - DO NOT press to cause pain - reflexology does not need to hurt to be effective. The green area represents the kidney and bladder on the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot. You can thumb walk along this area to boost your elimination of toxins from your system. The red area at the base of the thumb or at the ball of the great toe (mainly on the left foot or left hand), represents the heart. You can thumb walk on this area to increase circulation and thus help boost your immune system. The purple line along the top of the thumb or toe represents the vagus nerve. You can walk or press on this line to help harmonize and relax your body systems. The purple line along the side of the thumb or the medial side of the great toe represents the spine reflex. You can thumb walk along the edge of the thumb or great toe to help relieve tension and stress and to help harmonize your whole body. The pink dots along the tips of the fingers or toes on the palmar side or plantar view represent the sinuses. You can press on these points to help relieve sinus congestion. Again I remind you that these self care tips are not intended to replace the advise of your physician and should only be used as a compliment to traditional medicine. Reflexology is an ancient healing art and in the hands of a professionally trained therapist you can be assured you will receive significant benefits to your health and well being. When using reflexology on yourself as a self care tool - you can do no harm to yourself when you only use your own hands (do not use tools unless you have been trained to use them) - you can only help to give your body a chance to relax and help heal itself. Your body is capable of wonderful things - look how you have grown and accomplished so much in your life time and here you are learning more about how to help yourself be a healthier, more relaxed human. Thank you for being you! If you have any questions please contact me and I will be happy to help as best I can.
AuthorMarie is a certified reflexology therapist and instructor Archives
May 2021
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